get involved

There are lots of ways you can support and get involved with the Suitcase Project

1. Carry a suitcase

If you or someone you know would like to tell a story by becoming the temporary owner of the suitcase and camera, let us know!

2. buy a picture

You can support us by buying prints of the project images. Half of what you pay goes to the photographer. We spend a little on supporting and expanding the project. And we then give everything that is left to whichever other human rights or humanitarian organisation we are most excited about at the time. Right now that is: Women for Refugee Women.

3. join in on social media

Take your own photos of what home means to you and share them with us on instagram using the hashtag #onecameramanystories

We will repost our favourites.

4. host an exhibition

If you’d like to host an exhibition of the words and images of the Suitcase Project, get in touch and we can talk about how.

Get involved